In accordance with its policy and values and confident that collective efforts will be the remedy for this unprecedented health crisis, the law firm DUBÉ LATREILLE AVOCATS INC. actively participates in limiting the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
This is why, from the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have implemented a business continuity plan that allows our administrative staff and our lawyers to operate remotely to promote everyone's health and safety.
You can therefore reach us at our usual contact details for all your questions and customer meetings will be held until further notice by telephone or technological means.
We are monitoring the situation closely in order to adapt these measures to the development of the situation.
All our efforts aim to continue to offer our clients the best services in these exceptional circumstances.
Wishing you strength and health, we remain
Yours truly.
The team from Dubé Latreille Avocats Inc.
Nous avons une grosse bataille devant nous.
Ensemble, nous sommes capables de la gagner !
François Legault, Prime Minister of Quebec, March 17, 2020